Friday, October 7, 2011

With The Little Help of A Calendar

A a lawn care calendar is a faithful ally in remember you the many and specific tasks that lawn care needs along the year. Each and every month your lawn care states different tasks and you can mark them off on your calendar. This way you can forget what is must be done, but your calendar won't. There are many established lawn calendar but one good tip is to personalize your calendar. The care of a lawn consumes a lot of time, add to this effort and necessary planning and a calendar is just one way of making things it a little simpler.

With The Little Help of A Calendar

Grow Calendar 2011

First you must notice that thing included on your calendar varies according to your location, weather, and types of plants you want to grow. Calendar differs widely in West and East Coast as well in North and South areas

Make your personal calendar attending personal facts as time available for working, days free to make some specific tasks, even when you can get help of relatives and friend to make some large task involved in lawn care.

Start in March. Time to rake your lawn looking for moles. Take off all the dead leave and search for any hole resembling a mole hole.

Test the soil. Maybe needs herbicides or fertilizers. If soil is good condition and with high level of nutrients, you will save on fertilizers.

You can overseed in places that are patches bare of any grass.

April. Mowing and removing clipping are necessary.It is a good time to start the renewal of your garden and lawn. Aerate the soil in this month.

May is the time for applications. Fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides are waiting their turn.

June is the month of watering. Begin with a moderate watering. Mow higher in tin area of grass. If the grass is growing fast, you can mow more frequently.

July. Water and mowing must increase gradually. Watch out for grubs and other insects.

August. Prepare the soil for fall and keep on seeding, watering and have an wary eye on insects, test again your soil, fertilize if it needed.

Setepmber. Fertilize again, plant new grass seed, keep enough moisture for your plants. Aerate, rake and pull out weed, use eventually herbicides.

October and November, mowing till the grow stop, add lime, fertilize again and clearing your grass of dead leaves

Adjust Your Lawn Calendar To Your Life

Make this calendar adjust to you needs and add so many items as you think that are good to have in mind,many grasses have their particularity that must be properly tended. You can add to your calendar many items as you want, as we said, there kind of flowers, grass and plants that have to tended with more much attention and details that others, when you buy such kind of plant, ask for details, write down and keep the details till you need for further consult, this may save you many headaches and will improve successful results,it will be rewarding to look at the window and see all the year round the beauty of your front yard landscaping for the others to admire.

With The Little Help of A Calendar

Grow Calendar 2011


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