Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why Make a Sunday School Prayer Calendar?

Jesus often draw apart from the crowds and his disciples to be alone with his father. This allowed for times of prayer. If Jesus thought it important to pray so should we. Martin Luther once said "Prayer is the most important thing in my life. If I should neglect prayer for a single day, I should lose a great deal of the fire of faith."

Teaching prayer in Sunday School can be made fun and easy with a prayer calendar. Whilst teaching the importance of prayer it can also be practical. Why not create a monthly "Sunday School Prayer Calendar" which can serve as a daily reminder of the needs of Sunday School, missionaries, church leaders etc.

Grow Calendar 2011

The calendar can take the form of an actual calendar or as a list of dates with a different general prayer concern listed for each day. Examples include: children in the community, friends at school, families in the church, leaders of the church, a specific country, missionaries the church support etc.

Young children may like to make the calendar colourful with stickers or drawings. Older children may put scripture verses for memory purposes at the top of the calendar. Any type of craft materials can be used, give your imagination full reign.

All events and activities that the church has planned can be covered with prayer by placing them on the calendar.

The calendar should then be made available to all members of your church asking them to make the prayer requests part of their prayers on that day.

Why Make a Sunday School Prayer Calendar?

Grow Calendar 2011


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