Saturday, October 22, 2011

Time Management Skills for Growing Your Genius Ideas - 7 Essential Steps for Creative Productivity

Time management skills are your keys to productivity. They provide you with opportunities to enrich your life.

So do your best ideas. But can you call back your favorite thoughts and insights at the end of a hectic day? You can learn right now, with 7 time-wise tips, how to translate your inspiration into success.

Grow Calendar 2011

7 Essentials for Putting Your Genius Ideas into Action:

What do you find most rewarding? Possibilities may include: Ideas spurred by books and articles Plans to transform your workspace Creative collaborations Developing strategies to find more time Locating markets for your creations or services Gather and store your best thoughts. Invent systems to record your inspirations at the time they arise for easy retrieval. By establishing these routines, you create pathways for dynamic improvements in your life. You can use any of the following portable tools to capture your spontaneity in the moment: A pocket-sized notebook, a small digital recorder, text-messaging, or a camera. Choose the tool you enjoy using. Sort through your seed ideas and decide which to cultivate. Set aside time at the end of every day to review your collection of ideas and consolidate them in a special notebook or file. You are far more likely to assimilate new ideas if you repeat your exposure to them. For best results, review in a day, then a week later, then in a month. Invest your time now for greater gains later. Make the most of the ideas that surfaced today by letting your mind play with intriguing options and implications. Your time is your greatest gift. By scheduling regular times to review your ideas, you affirm how creativity enriches your life. Let these ideas take root. Have fun! Journal. Jot down strategies to implement exciting plans. Translate your ideas into manageable action steps on a special To-Do list. Nurture your ideas. Your best thoughts deserve special care. Experiment on a small scale in a low-risk setting. Ask a friend for honest feedback about your new ideas. Take time to incubate them in a welcoming and supportive environment. Deepen your confidence in your commitment to succeed. Monitor their growth. Test your ideas where you want them to thrive. For example, if you have developed a prototype, display it to discerning buyers. Invite open-ended feedback about its marketability and about current buying trends. Identify your successes. Assess how you can build on the choices that help you reach your goal.

Then reward yourself! Validating your progress reinforces your motivation. And brainstorming how to move forward builds confidence and vision. The more you take time to listen, really listen to yourself and follow up with constructive action, the more vitality and enthusiasm you will feel for your life.

Celebrate what makes you unique and powerful. When you use your creativity to enhance your life, you will develop even more incentive for developing your best ideas and making them a reality.

What additional areas of your life would benefit from learning time management skills?

Time Management Skills for Growing Your Genius Ideas - 7 Essential Steps for Creative Productivity

Grow Calendar 2011


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