Monday, October 3, 2011

Cell Phones and Our Growing Dependency

Cell phones have done a lot for us in this society. We have the ability to call anyone from virtually anywhere and at anytime. Over the past ten years, they have evolved in tremendous ways. They have gone from basically allowing us to make calls to organizing tasks, keeping track of our schedules, allowing us to check our emails and much more. Cell phones now come in all shapes, sizes, colors and are equipped with all sorts of capabilities. You can choose from BlackBerry's, Androids, I Phones, and so many more! Whether you purchase your phone for business or personal use, cell phones now have the capability to conference in for company calls, you can use it for social networking, and view important documents, even send online faxes! Wow! What a difference ten to twenty years can make! I personally love my Android phone. I use it for just about everything. I handle my business and personal matters via my cell phone. I am able to upload important documents in need of viewing, go to my social network sites, watch TV and use the GPS to get me to locations when I travel. Talk about a one stop shop! With all the advancements in technology, these phones can do just about anything. The only thing they don't do as of yet is cook my dinner, but I can go online with it for recipes and meal ideas.

As adults and even kids, we as a civilization have become very dependent on our cell phones. For many of us if we were to misplace or lose our phones, we would practically lose it. Our phones hold so much information and we rely on them for so many reasons that it would be difficult to be without it. For myself as a parent, I rely on my phone a lot to stay in touch with my kids to make sure they are ok when they are away from home. I love the tracking device as well, it allows me to make sure my kids go where they say they are going! Gotta love that feature! My kids text me constantly from just about anywhere they are and for just about any reason. We have to admit it, we have become incredibly dependent on our cell phones and with the growing capabilities that cell phones have, I can only see that dependency continuing to grow. Although, I must say it is nice to sometimes take a break from technology and learn to spend quality time together. We have to realize that nothing can or should ever take the place of face to face family or friend time.

Grow Calendar 2011

Cell Phones and Our Growing Dependency

Grow Calendar 2011


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