Monday, October 24, 2011

Buying Replacement Cushions For Your Wicker Patio Furniture

As easy as it is to do something as simple as replacement cushion shopping for your wicker patio furniture, it can also be daunting when you realize what you need to take into consideration when purchasing new padding for your wicker couches, sofas and chairs.

Over time, patio furniture cushions take a beating.  The weather can fade and damage cushions, and heavy use can result in spills, tears, and other damage that can make your wicker furniture look less than inviting.

Lowes Build

Replacing them isn't hard, but does take some time and consideration.  Make sure you measure your furniture first to make sure that you are shopping for the right size cushions.  You wouldn't want to order large cushions online, only to realize they are too big when they arrive in the mail.  Get a general idea of the size you need and take these measurements to the store with you, or to the computer while you shop online.

You can find wicker furniture cushions at numerous websites, but you'll want to make sure you're getting a good deal after shipping costs are considered.  But overall, prices online are lower than stores due to low overhead and the lower cost of running a website instead of owning a brick-and-mortar building housing inventory.  Just make sure to check the websites with the Better Business Bureau to make sure the site is not a scam, and take your time looking at your options.

You can also purchase replacement chair cushions at typical department and chain stores, like Target, Walmart, Bed Bath and Beyond, and other home improvement stores like Home Depot and Lowes.  Just be sure you're not buying the cheap cushions that only last a year, but don't overspend on an unnecessary cushion that won't last in your household.

Be sure the fabric of the cushions match your lifestyle.  Cushion covers come in many fabrics, like acrylic, cotton canvas and vinyl, so make sure the one you choose can uphold to the chaos that may be present in your house with seven kids or large dogs.  Cushions for households where it's just you and your spouse can be a little nicer and more expensive if you're going for comfort rather than durability.

Replacing the cushions on your wicker furniture is a great way to keep them looking new and protect them from any damage, whether it may be from the weather or from the kids.

Buying Replacement Cushions For Your Wicker Patio Furniture

Lowes Build


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