Saturday, September 10, 2011

Predictions of the Mayan Calendar December 2012

Mayan Calendar December 2012 - What the ancients foresaw centuries back, was it really the end of the world as we know it today or was it just the end of the Long Count Cycle calendar?

The Maya civilization long ago inhabited the southern part of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, western Honduras, and Belize. This civilization is known for its intricate and accurate calculations of time. The Maya sought advice from priests who in turn looked to the readings of sacred calendars for almost all aspects of life which included agricultural, civil, and religious matters. Time played such a prominent role in their lives that even children were named after the dates they were born on. The concept of zero, which was an advanced concept back then was known to the Mayans and used in their calculations. Zero was represented by a shell.

Grow Calendar 2011

The sacred calendar of this mysterious civilization was called Tzolkin. Just like our calendar which uses 30 days/12 months, the Tzolkin uses numbers from 1 to 13 with 20 day names in sequence for 260 days. After which, the same number and name sequence will reoccur. Research has found that the 20 day base is the number of toes and fingers and 13 relates to the phases of moon from new moon to full moon. It is also suggested that 260 days can be related to the gestation period of humans of nine months. So far, there have been no inaccuracies found in this calendar.

The main reason why this calendar has come into the spotlight recently is the fact that this calendar predicts that the World would come to an end at the completion of 5,125 years cycle which is, Dec 21st 2012 according to our calendar and this time is the same time when NASA scientists predict Solar Flare and the Great Polar shift of the Earth will occur.

Every 5,125 years is called Long Count Cycle. According to the Mayan's this is when the Gods destroy life and try to create more obedient and subservient creatures. The current Long Count began in 3114 BC and will be ending soon in 2012.

Mayan books talk of different ages that resemble the evolution of the life on this planet. In first age, was the dawn of creation and Earth was inhabited only by vegetation and birds and animals, but unfortunately they do not speak and could not pay their respect to gods and so were destroyed. In second and third ages, the belief is that the gods created humans from mud and wood, but they too failed to pay homage and were destroyed. The Mayan mythology believes that we are currently living in the fourth and final age of fully functional humans, the end of which is predicted to come soon.

Still one question lingers according to the Mayan Calendar December 2012 - What did the ancients really foresee? Did they actually predict the end of the world? Or will life find its way to survive?

Predictions of the Mayan Calendar December 2012

Grow Calendar 2011


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