Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Green" Can Grow On You - Simple Ways To "Go Green" Without Making Everyone Around You Go Crazy

Yes - you may say - it is about time that everyone got on the same page and started thinking about our earth - the precious gift that we have been given. Yes - you may say it is about time that big business, especially the media, and politicians, especially Republicans are thinking about the earth without once having "pillaging and profiting" coming into their minds.

Yes - you may say - it is about time. But you also should say... Time for what? How much can we really "Go Green" without sounding like environmental snobs? How can we "Go Green" in a way that is easy to maintain - so we won't look like flaming hypocrites when we can't sustain that "Go Green Fever" we started?

Grow Calendar 2011

Well there are a few simple things - and really - they are simple and sustainable and really will do some good:

Walk, Don't Run - or Especially Drive: I think of how many times I could have walked down the street to the pharmacy, Trader' Joes - or even my favorite Farmer's Market spot and how many less carbons I would have contributed to emitting - just simply because I didn't put the "pedal to the medal" but put my "foot to the pavement" - and just simply walked. Sip from your Own Cistern: Making your own drinking water - using one of those very cool low cost filtering system not only saves money, but saves the earth from one more plastic never degradable piece of waste. Can You Hear Me Now? - Don't Listen! And Close your Eyes when you See those Cool Cell Phone Commercials: Though your cell phone is not the Coolest on the planet - it will help the planet stay cooler by not adding more toxic waste to its already overburdened eco-system. Just FYI - did you know that each time you toss your old cell phone or other electronic gadget to get the latest model, your old cell phone, as well as heaps of others are being shipped overseas illegally to be disassembled by workers with very little protective wear - that may not seem so bad - but those electronic gadgets may be cute on the outside - but they carry around a lot of toxic and noxious chemicals like mercury on the inside. Go Whole Foods for a Day: Just by having a nice fruit and salad day - it helps keep you thin and also helps the environment. FYI - did you know that meat production plants have huge energy needs and also the waste they produce is toxic?

I could go on - but these are just a few things you can do - all the time - and be green - but more importantly STAY GREEN!!

For more tips on how to "Go Green" check out our local library. And by the way that brings us to yet another way to Go Green! Borrowing books instead of purchasing them saves the trees and consumes less fossil fuel to deliver them to you.

See - You Can Do it! So the next time you see one of those corny but true commercials about the environment - know that you can change things - a little at a time and also provide a good role model for your neighbors. You know how that goes - Keeping up with the Jones' - you could start an Enviromendemic (Don't bother looking it up - I know it isn't a word - but bear with me here I am on a roll!) Pretty soon your whole neighborhood will be going green. Ok, I am calming down now, no need for restraints. But I think I have made my point - we can all be environmentally conscience without making ourselves or more importantly those around us - go Nuts.

"Green" Can Grow On You - Simple Ways To "Go Green" Without Making Everyone Around You Go Crazy

Grow Calendar 2011


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