Saturday, August 27, 2011

Some Unique Ways to Grow Vegetables

When you think about growing vegetables you normally think of a large area which has been tilled or plowed in order to plant the tiny seeds or small pants and grow vegetables. This is the traditional way of growing a vegetable garden, however there are many other ways that can be very effective and not require nearly as much space.

Today people are finding lots of creative ways, in which to grow vegetables in very limited spaces. People living in apartments can even grow vegetables. I had a girl friend that grew some tomatoes in a big 10 gallon bucket that she put some dirt in out on the patio. Those were the best tomatoes ever.

Grow Calendar 2011

I even had an aunt and uncle that always had a garden each year. However they never liked the idea of having the garden in some big spot taking up a lot of space in their back yard. So, they devised a very creative way to grow vegetables. They made their garden in what looked like a flower bed around the entire yard. It was about 3 feet wide and followed their picket fence all the way around their entire property. The vegetables that were grown in my aunts yard were always just as good as any grown in traditional vegetable gardens.

These examples just show you that it doesn't take much room to grow some great vegetables just about anywhere. I have even known people to grow them in their home under a plant light. However that method is usually used for getting the plants started from seeds, but it can also be a valuable way to produce wonderful vegetables if you decide you want the space utilized that way.

Some Unique Ways to Grow Vegetables

Grow Calendar 2011


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