Monday, November 28, 2011

An Astrological Forecast for October, 2011 Including a Look Into Scorpio Astrology

Fear is in the air and revolution in the streets! The stock market is melting down again and there is growing unrest in this country which is played down by the media. We have demonstrations on Wall Street and a revolution is brewing. We are all connected and we all have at least friends and family who have fallen on hard times, lost their houses or their jobs. We feel strongly what is happening because of that deeper inner connection of oneness or you could call it the morphogenetic field. It is easy to get caught up in anxiety and fear.

The question is how can we balance ourselves? How can we find our place in all this? How can we step up with courage into the unknown and the new horizon of consciousness? And how can we be of help for each other? Astrology is holding some answers for you because it gives you the conscious awareness for higher or lower choices based on the energetic, archetypal fields involved.

Grow Calendar 2011

Pluto, Uranus and Neptune

Wherever the big players are in your chart; Pluto in Capricorn squaring Uranus in Aries and Neptune in Pisces, you are called to active integration and contribution to the whole. Lately I have been looking almost exclusively at charts for people who have been part of that "call for evolution". We are living in exciting times. I believe we all have signed up to be part of this enormous revolution of consciousness.

But then some of us play a very active role in this process as leaders, healers or teachers. Depending on how Pluto, Uranus and Neptune touch your planets and houses it shows you where your expertise and soul commitment resides. It shows you how you personally can ride this enormous wave of tremendous changes breaking.

Mayan Calendar and New Moon

This month coincides with the end of the Mayan calendar Oct 11- 26 which is thought of as the emergence of a dimensional shift into higher consciousness. It is the completion of one cycle and the beginning of another. The Full Moon in Aries coincides with that final phase emphasizing the new beginning and sheds light and asks for emotional courage.

Libra Planets

We are relational beings! Families, relationships and social structures make us into who we take ourselves to be. We feel reflected, inspired, educated, loved or rejected by others. The sign of Libra indicates the whole mystery of close, intimate relationships as well as friends or meeting the "other" in general. With Libra we learn about love, harmony, peace and discrimination of our true needs and desires.

Earlier in October with 4 planets in Libra we will learn about compromise and balance in relationships which will be deepened with the Saturn Sun conjunction in Libra. Saturn brings to the fore issues of integrity, accountability, what works and the ability to set healthy boundaries.

The New Moon in Libra Sept 27, three days apart from the Equinox, started our journey into deeper wisdom and willingness to consider and attune to the others.

Five Planets in Scorpio Coming Up

The last week of this month we will have five planets in Scorpio, which will be dominating the heavens and our inner experience. There is the sense of urgency and time is running out. The New Moon in Scorpio makes us emotionally moody, intense and focused inwards. The Jupiter opposition and the trine to Neptune are adding another layer to the situation. Jupiter always wants to look at the big picture and Neptune can contribute higher awareness as well as misguidance, lies and betrayal.

Scorpios are known for being very intense, emotional, willing to go deep for the truth and maybe uncomfortably honest about it. Looking at the hidden structures, the deep inner psychology of the moment Scorpios are good at unraveling dark secrets.

With five planets in Scorpio we will have to look at uncomfortable truth and the strategies of misinformation and lies in the media might blow wide open.There will be more intensity on the streets with Mars still in fiery Leo till November 11.

What is pressing on all of us is the meltdown of our economy, the abuse through politicians, banks and corporate world dynamics for profit and greed.

How come that the people who caused the last meltdown in 2008 were the ones getting bonuses from the money we had to buy them out with? You really wonder how long that strategy will work for them.

With so much Scorpio energy this might be a month of facing the truth, gaining real insight into what needs to be done and acted upon. For real transformation and change to happen facing the truth of the moment is the first step.

Highlights of the Month and their Highest Possibilities

Mars squares Jupiter Oct 2

The energy is there to deal with financial matters and be successful with it.

Venus steps into Scorpio Oct 9

Deeper truth might be revealed in your relationships.

Full Moon in Aries Oct 11

Emotions are running high and in warrior mode. Courage and right action should be guiding you.

Mercury in Scorpio Oct 13

The ability to find a new vision based in ruthless examination of the facts.

Sun conjunction with Saturn Oct 13

Clarity, commitment or separation in relationships might happen.

Venus opposition to Jupiter Oct 14

Opportunities around your finances and resources are arising.

Mercury opposition Jupiter Oct 17

Study and learn to enhance your ability to process details into the bigger picture.

Sun into Scorpio Oct 23

Act on revelations and insights to help integrate the new.

New Moon in Scorpio Oct 26

Be truthful to yourself first!

Jupiter trine to Pluto Oct 28

We all agree on the fact that we need change in our society and transformation is needed desperately. The key factor is our consciousness and the decisions and choices we make.

Venus square Neptune Oct 31

Sensitivity for others, compassion and willingness to help is a possibility.

Remember astrology can be of tremendous help in navigating the rocky waters. Expand your knowledge, study astrology and get the support and insight of your personal situation with a professional astrologer of your choice. Your chart reveals the "itinerary of your soul" and the evolutionary intentions you have brought with you this life time. It can give deep meaning in times of choppy waters and help you to navigate the currents.

Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

An Astrological Forecast for October, 2011 Including a Look Into Scorpio Astrology

Grow Calendar 2011


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