Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Mayan Calendar and the Year 2012

We're just starting 2011 and already, people fear 2012. You have probably seen the movie 2012, read the theories concerning the end of the world next year but have you stopped and asked yourself why these theorists just had to pick out December 21, 2012 in particular? If you did, then you are in the right direction. By asking the most important question of why that particular date was picked out, you are on your way to finding out the truth about all this hoopla.

Stories concerning the year 2012 actually have something to do with the Mayan calendar. You are probably familiar with the Mayan civilization, a great civilization that was advanced for their times. They had an advanced system and understanding of mathematics, architecture as well as astronomy. They however measure time in a linear manner, compared to ours which is cyclical. They thought of time in terms of "ages" or "world ages" and they thought that a world age is equivalent to a certain number of days. It's basically the way we view millenniums except that for the Mayan, after a particular millennium or millennia have passed, the world will end.

Grow Calendar 2011

The Mayan believed that a world age is equivalent to a certain number of days and that is five thousand one hundred twenty-five days (5, 125) days. After the said period, the world will end according to them and unfortunately that date falls on December 21, 2012. Now, are you already thinking of hoarding supplies and shutting yourself into some highland mountain to escape the great flood?

Now, before you do that, stop and realize that we have all faced down a number of doomsday predictions. Remember the Y2K bug and how everyone panicked about the chaos that the computer breakdowns will bring? Did you actually bite into all the hoopla and bought something fearing that you might need it when the chaos actually started?

Doomsday stories have always been with us and they only have one thing in common, they never happen. You've only heard half of the story of what the Mayan believed but nowhere does it say how the Mayan felt and viewed the "end of the world." For them, the end of the world does not necessarily mean the destruction of the world but rather the shift of a current world to a new, better one. No, this does not mean that the world will explode and a new one will take its place but has more to do with the "awareness" of our race. December 21, 2012 according to them should be a time for celebration and not for fear or chaos.

The Mayan Calendar and the Year 2012

Grow Calendar 2011


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